Sunday March 2, 2008
Punta San Miguel RV Resort - Celestino Gasca Mexico
We arrived at this campground about 1:00 pm yesterday, after a short run from Teacapan. We are provisioning and doing laundry, we plan to be here another 2 nights.
Monday March 3, 2008
Last Day at Punta San Miguel
On Sunday afternoon Ron and Al went shopping in La Cruz. Bad move! You need to understand that the Mexicans work 5-1/2 days a week, they seem to get paid on Saturday at noon. This leaves only Sunday to do a detailed shopping before the work week begins again.
The first stop was to the ATM at the back to get some Dineros - no luck, there was no money in the machine.
Second stop was to the deposito to pick up some Pacifico beer, we had lots of competition to get the beer!
Last stop was the grocery store. First, there were no carts to be had, there was a line at the deli 12 deep and similar lines at all the 20 or so checkouts. We wisely bought only a couple of items, we returned this morning where everything was available and accessible. Lesson learned!!
Suzette took a few pictures of the campsite:
Our neighbours have some guard dogs!

Apparently these guard dogs were on break when the shot was taken:

This is a shot of the camper, we have a lot of space around us:

A picture of the ocean heading towards low tide:

A view from the palapa near the ocean looking towards the campground:

Another view of the ocean. There were a few surfers out earlier in the day:

Villa Celeste RV Park
On Monday evening, we went over to Villa Celeste with Ron & Patty to celebrate the last night being together, Jim and Mary had a great dinner prepared for us over there. Jim and MAry are spending some time at Villa Celeste while Ron and Patty are heading for San Carlos while we hit Mr. Moro.
Suzette took a few pictures of Villa Celeste:
This is Noe's house:

A view of the entry to the pool area:

There is lots of grass around:

A view of the ocean from the beach bar:

On our way north, there were hundreds of acres of totally enclosed vegetable fields, these are growing organic vegetables for the US.No pesticides are used in the growing, it's a tremendous investment in materials and labour:

Wednesday March 5, 2007
Mr. Moro Hotel and RV park, near Las Glorias
We arrived here yesterday afternoon, the place is pretty quiet except for a small caravan of folks returning from a Copper Canyon tour.
Ron and Patty indicated that they would never stay here again after thier last visit, we tend to agree with them. The place is run down and dusty, there are lots of folks working here but they seem not to be accomplishing much.
The main reason we stopped was to see the progress of the puppies we saw back in December.
Suzette took a picture of the main attraction, mother, daughter and the only remaining puppy, the other 3 having being adopted over the winter:

We will walk the beach today, and we head for El Mirador in Huatabampito tomorrow.
Sunday March 9, 2007
El Mirador RV Resort - San Carlos Mexico
We spent 2 nights in the other El Mirador RV park in Huatabampito and had problems getting on-line. Coincidentally, the parks Hughes system also was problematic. Steve Smith,a fellow RVer and I re-aimed the dish and improved the signal strength. But, both the park system and our dish would not allow web acceleration, I believe that it was a problem on Hughes end, the morning before we left, we were back on-line. Enrique, the park owner, is looking to buy an Outdoor Pointing Interface, the gadget that allows dish pointing and looking at signal strength on the roof, I posted a question on to see if one is available in the Tucson area.
Enrique is putting a lot of money into repairs following last years hurricane. Lots of equipment was working to raise and level the sites behind a newly constructed 6 ft high sea wall, we saw 3 dump trucks, a front end loader and a dozer operating, more equipment than is normally seen repairing roads down here. Some pictures:

By the time this is read, the leveling should be complete and the new ocean front sites should be ready for use.
The area was very dusty, not because of the work, but because of the high winds present on the coast. Our RV has tons of sand inside, even the computer keyboard is gritty! We took off for El Mirador on Saturday morning.
El Mirador RV Resort in San Carlos
We got into San Carlos yesterday afternoon and set up. We reconnected with Ron and Patty and plan to tour San Carlos today checking out some beaches and bars. We relaxed last evening and had a delicious meal at the restaurant. Pictures to follow!
As a note to Jim, there are lots of RV spaces here in the park, it's only about half full.
The San Carlos tour and Pub Crawl!
Ron And Patty along with Steve came by to show us some of the sites around town.
We stopped at a local arts market on the mountain where Suzette and Patty checked out the local wares:

We then visited the harbour and stopped for some refreshments at the bar:

We also looked at the multi million dollar homes around the coast close to our RV resort These are a couple of shots that don't do the location justice, the homes have their own private cove:

We then dropped by Steve's RV in town and learned a lot about audio and video production on Apple Mac computers. Steve composes music, plays the local bars and produces his own music CD's and music videos. We got a good appreciation of what Mac computers can do, much better than PC's for music and video.
Next, we headed for town and visited Charlies Rock, a local bar:
This is the gang at the watering hole, Suzette took the picture from a golf tee overlooking the ocean, if you hit the target located about 100 yd. offshore, you get a free drink!

We fed the gulls with chips while Steve took some video clips for his music video:

Suzette modeled Patty's cowboy hat, we need to get one for her!

We returned from Charlies and after a break and some refreshments at the RV, we all went to dinner here at the Oasis Restaurant in the park.
We had a great time!
Today (Monday) we get the RV washed and then prepare for our trip to Santa Ana tomorrow.
Tuesday March 11, 2008
At Edgar and Anna's in Santa Ana
We arrived in Santa Ana early in the afternoon after a rough ride up the toll road, some of the worst potholes we've seen in Mexico.
The place was filling up, we dry camped as all the serviced sites were full. It allowed us to try the internet and TV on inverter power which worked well. We watched TV for a couple of hours, we didn't want to run the batteries down and miss a shower in the morning. There were 9 campers overnight, they can accommodate a max of 11 units.
We left on Wednesday morning for Tucson and Beaudry. On the toll booth north of Santa Ana, the barrier dropped on the trailer, apparently the sensor sees daylight between the truck and the trailer and drops the barrier. No damage was done, we will try to report the problem.
Crossing into the US took just over 2 hours because of the line up at the 4 booths on the US side. Once we got there, we got a short inspection from a very friendly border patrol person, he took our Mexican ham slices (we expected that), otherwise no issues.
To continue the adventure, Click Here, you will be taken to the US return page!